Teach Like Their Lives Depend On It…

because they do!

Imagine a classroom where you can’t wait to teach and they can’t wait to learn!

A With Respect LLC Program

We partner with high performing educators, their schools and districts to:

  • empower them with cutting edge tools that allow for the creation of outstanding learning experiences
  • support diverse learners
  • provide tools to increase emotional intelligence, non-violent communication, develop reslience, & integrate trauma informed classroom management
  • increase student engagement, agency, and performance
  • decrease bullying, challenging behaviors, opportunity/performance gaps, and the likelihood of violence.

Education has changed…. Are you struggling?

Educators – from those in the classroom, those in the lunchroom, offices, and buses to those in the office, playground, lunchroom, and board room – know that teaching and learning are some of the hardest things to do right now.

  • Acts of violence are the extreme, yet they happen daily in many places.
  • Political polarization creates unrest and distress within school boards, staff, and communities.
  • The mental health crisis is real in our staff, students and families.
  • For many, COVID left a learning gap, a gap in social and emotional management, a mental health crisis, anxiety, and fear.
  • Behaviors in up to 25% of students have become more challenging.
  • Learners struggle to pay attention, negotiate crippling anxiety, show up with hidden and obvious disabilities, and engage in bullying and harassment.

Not being able to meet the demands results in all the wrong media attention.

The stress of these are added to the day to day stresses of classroom management, meeting learning goals, ensuring students are safe and engaged, and teacher/administrator evaluations.

For learning to happen, students

  • must feel safe, and confident in their teacher
  • have their way of learning and expressing supported, and
  • be able to get what they need from the instructor, their peers, and their community

We have what you need – individuals & organizations

Learn Like It Matters!

We continue to add to the options and content of our Teach Like Their Lives Depend On It SchoolHouse. You will find the foundations course, the first step in our Certification Program, with other topics coming available including all the things educators need to engage, empower, and educate diverse learners. Click the button to go check out our SchoolHouse

Extraordinary Educators

Our Teach Like Their Lives Depend On It Certification Program is a one of a kind where educators have the opportunity to learn, practice, and apply what they need to be able to integrate outstanding classroom management with exemplary content delivery creating amazing learning adventures that meet the needs of diverse learners.

School/District – Wide Learning

This is the opportunity to provide professional development training, coaching, and consulting within a single classroom, a school, or across the district. This customized package is designed to meet the needs of your organization, where you are, to take you where you need to go. It serves as a means of improving those already doing well and supporting those who need extra support.